Anonymous Bee-yatch
Friday, September 16, 2005
  Leave your comments in the comment section
The blog for students of John A. (Don't even dream of asking) Goldfine at EMCC who want to comment, complain, question, suggest, advise, sound off, argue, or even...beeyatch. Did I mention 'anonymous'? And I'll try to reply right here, so check back every so often.

Naturally, you anonymous people can write about whatever you want (and I will try to explain the meaning of life, the secret of the universe, the way of wisdom, seven sure tips for financial success, how to improve your love life, and the location of Jimmy Hoffa [if I am asked nicely]), but stuff about either ENG 101 or ENG 162 is where my greatest expertise lies.
Comments: 1 – 200 of 254 Newer› Newest»
Hey what a spectacularly cool blog. I can't believe how awesome it is! I mean wowsie wow wow, and I'll toss in a bahahaHOOO! too. You is the bee's knees and the greatest thing since sliced bread, which reminds me you might want to visit my blog
for the latest on buying sliced bread and bee's knees. Hasta la baby!
Thank you for those kind words, sir or madam.
So far it's a little boring. Couldn't you at least start a rumor or something to get the mood going? Just you and the bread guy. Not a lot can be said of that.
You want rumors! Once a girl in the playground dropped a coke bottle and it busted. She stood there staring at it for a minute and then began wandering off. "Whoa," I said, "do you know where the broom and dustpan are?"

Wasn't fifteen minutes later, as I came up the stairs to class, I heard some gals chattering: "Yeahhh, he broke it, but he made Lori clean it up. Not fair!"

Naturally that was junior high school. Stuff like that doesn't happen in the real world where all evidence is gathered before conclusions are reached. Or at least that's what the sliced bread man says on his website.
Wait a sec, you weren't implying anything about me and the slice bread person--were you????
Wow still all this nothing bouncing between slices of plain white bread. I needn't imply anything. The lack of uh, substance between the pages says it all...I don't think you're pissin off enough people.
I was cleaning out email files last night and found letter after letter I wrote last spring to two problem students. I'm rereading them (admiring my own snappy and snappish prose, all the zingers and stingers) and saying to myself, "Pray god I don't have hassles like this again." And then I have to laugh at myself: I might as well send up a call to the Almighty to suspend Winter 2005-06. Ain't a-gonna happen.

So, sooner or later, between the slices of bland white bread will perhaps be placed raw onion, wilted lettuce, slightly moldy cold cuts, and watery ballpark mustard....
Well I'll take a nice juicy bite out of it then popcorn in hand to watch the sparks fly....
Huh! Lurking, lurking, feasting on the sorrows of others, how sad....
I think that this is definitely a cool site but I have one question, who is Jimmy Hoffa????
I'd tell you who he was, but google would get mad at me if I started answering that kind of question without insisting you look at an ad first. My offer was to tell you where he was, not who he was.

Glad the site keeps you chilled.
Boot Hill, ain't it?
You make me kinda mad. I know your a teacher and your supposed to teach, and this is a writing class so part of it is criticism, but lately Im feeling like your trying to change my writing style, and I dont like it. You should be molding indiviual writers so everyone can have their own style not try to make us into little yous, I really dont think the world would appreciate it. And another thing, did it ever occur to you that maybe some people are uncomfortable with their writing and are not only having trouble with having it all over the World Wide Web but also with you blurting it out in class and saying how things are bad with it? I was liking your class in the beginning and maybe its just a bad day, I dunno, but I liked, no loved, writing when I came in this class and way before, its been a sort of passion for me my whole life, not feelin it so much anymore, just thought it might "help" you to get some of that "feedback"!
Hey anonymous, thanks for the feedback. I'd hate it if I had a whole class of mini-me's because there are lots of ways to write well. I do push people to put themselves in, to add details, and stuff like that--that kind of thing isn't really negotiable. How it looks, how you do it is where the individuality comes in.

The web and talking in class I'm sorry about but I can't do much about. I try to be tactful--I'd never slag a student, never say, 'This is awful' or 'You haven't done anything here.' That's not only rude, but is counterproductive. So I try to focus on specific changes (and strengths too!)

If I've said anything you found rude, I'm sorry for that. I know some people who love to write wind up hating it after a few weeks of 101 which certainly makes me feel like a bad teacher, but again, I don't know what I can do about it.

Thanks for your feedback and keep it coming if you want.
Hey, anonymous, I wrote a little bit more about your post on my blog. Check it out.
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well, if it matters, I like your class! But half of the time I'm not sure whether you like what I wrote or you don't like it. I think you are fickle, Goldfine. You're fickle and I'm "slick". I can handle that. haha.
Hey slick, here's the deal: I'm not fickle (changeable)(you can count on me), but that doesn't mean I won't be slippery sometimes.

I try to suit the response to the student: some need a lot of encouragement; others are hooked on teacher encouragement and need something else--need to find inner resources.

The highest compliment I can pay a student I paid to one today. I cut her loose, said to her: use your own judgment on this; you don't need my advice; you know what you're doing. She might have preferred a bouquet of praising adjectives, but what would that have taught her? How much further down the road would she be?

If I can make her feel good, great. If I do something that might be more helpful without that immediate feelgood rush, I'll do that.
ahh, I see. That student didn't need assurance that her writing is good, she just likes compliments.
I wish I could compliment her on her ability to maintain her anonymity!
I know, she failed miserably. That girl needs to take some lessons on Anonymity. Wow, say that one three times fast.
last night i dreamed of asking
Oh, I get it. Well, I'm never ever ever telling, so forget it.
don't recall asking, just dreamin of it.
the i search is majorly stressiing me out i am getting stressed about thinking omg i am going to end up doing it the nite before and it is going to be sh@#%y omg
Well, I can't make the stress disappear completely. I can promise you this: you will not write it the night before it's due.

Can. Not. Happen.

Here's why: the first draft is due a week from Friday, and you may not start it until Thursday night at 11:59. Can't help you with that, although even there the first three sections have already been written and run by me, right?

Even if not, the second draft isn't due until right near the end of school, and you will have already written the first draft by then, see? So, your second draft will work off the first, and the first will already be done....
OK, sometimes it really frustrates me when you try to reason with a person on a certain subject, and it completely pisses you off, because it seems that they just dont seem to care about what you are willing to do and say.
Pisses you, anonymous, off, or pisses me, jag, off? Do you mean I reason with someone but am not listening to them or I reason with them but they don't listen to me--you've got some pronoun clarifications required.

Or are you reacting to the previous pair of posts? I was not pissed off by the student worried about the isearch. That goes with the territory.

I have been pissed off on my 162 stuff somewhat and haven't made much attempt to hide it in public, even less so in individual emails--but it's nothing personal--just much harder for me to deal with than a student with isearch nerves so gets me annoyed more easily.

Anyway, you'll have to give me more of what's frustrating you if you want a more focused reaction.
Or do you mean you reason with me but I simply don't listen or don't give in?
Ess your bee up
My reason's simple
Reading the poem
Give me the pimple.

If you feel like jeroboam
Thing to do
Just sit down til feeling
Leave you.
When you work humor, you take a huge risk because there is no safety net. If your audience laughs, great. If it doesn't, you're going splat.
there's just so much wrong with this conversation. it just had to be acknowledged.
Absolutely, anonymous, and you're not even privy to the just-so-much-wrong email part of it....
I'm going to go count my lucky stars......
I'm irritated. When you commented on one of my recent grafs all you said was to divide it into paragraphs, you didn't comment on anything whatsoever on what I actually wrote. It's annoying.
If I said a piece needs paragraphs, I probably also said that no-grafs is a way the writer shows indifference to the reader. It's a way of keeping the reader away. That is a powerful comment and reaction.

The writer sometimes has to be difficult because the material is so hard and difficult. But when the writer makes difficulties where there would otherwise be none, then remarking on that is perfectly reasonable and a remark the writer ought to take some time to understand.
Thank you for clearing that up Goldfine. Much appreciation :D
Well.... I tried to make that anonymous, but failed once again. Oh well.
Was a real pleasure taking your course this semester. Had it's ups and downs but I pulled through in the end thanks to you. Hats off and jolly good show! Have a good break.
Mr Goldfine is one upstanding citizen as far as I am concerned. He will read your papaer and no matter if the content is not quite above board, according to the law, he will grade it accodingly! You have helped me so much...remember me?
Hi Donna--sure, I remember you! It's been--what?--15 years! I still have your paper about sneaking out of the house to neck Ace his name? How are you? Stil in Maine?
Griz--I worry about the 'then I woke up and it was all a dream' endings. Your piece about your father's death was in a different universe. The way you used the dream there would make even a stone gasp.
Fried Oysters with a quesadilla??? What did your friend have Buffalo Wings and lobster? What kind of a message is this sending to the Culinary Arts students?
Well, the oysters were an appetizer. I did think it was a little strange, but no one was watching. If you'd been in the kitchen, I probably wouldn't have been served, huh?
Amen, and amen! Not a complaint at all! I liked your post today about the uselessness of preaching to my Gram used to tell me, "You can't put an old head on young shoulders." Perhaps DWYI should be an offense. (driving while young and inexperienced) :)
Enjoy the week end!

I always tell my students I'm in favor of lowering the drinking age to 16--wild cheers. Then I drop the hammer: "...and raising the driving age to 21." Stunned silence. At least 18.
Dont worry, I won't complain. This is one of my favorite classes of the week. I like the fact that we are using blogger. But, it doesnt let us use spell check when we need it. Not a big deal. I will be sad when the class ends at the end of the semester.
Hey anonymous, I'll research that spellcheck issue and see what I can find out. For now, you can copy and paste your stuff into Word, spellcheck it there, and then recopy and paste back to blogger. Just a few extra clicks....
Re: your blog post for September 01 (My Most Embarrassing Moment), my mother-in-law was quite late coming to the internet, put off by the pervasive smut. Finally I convinced her of all the good stuff out there in Cyberville and she ordered her own connection. Excited to have the entire world of information at her fingertips, she began her maiden online voyage by looking up her favorite subject, beavers.
Do you want an English teacher with elbow patches, a pipe, and a poetic look who has no idea what you're talking about? That would not be me, alas....
No more 100% blog classes, huh? I didn't suspect that they were going to be a forever part of your offerings. You're right. All the students that have John A. (Don't worry, I no longer dream of asking but merely contemplate the possibility of ever knowing) Goldfine should be privvy to the whistling and the sound of rolling chairs and the breaking of ice with the atom bomb that is undeniably you.

I mean that in the nicest of ways.
I did think blogs were going to be part of my practice until way way way away into the future, but I have to try something else because what I'm doing is no longer doing it. But thanks for the vote of confidence in the power of icebreaker wheely chairs. Jeez, though, do I whistle???
John, I can't figure out where else to ask and email isn't working. I hesitate to post on the blog a piece of writing that contains sensitive material. I can change names and countries of origin of course but all identities remain transparent. I'm being paranoid, I know. Chances are pretty excellent that no one's going to bother with my blog. But just in case: If someone did want to look at my stuff, can I be looked up with my e-mail address?
Dear anonymous--

yes, your email address will lose you your anonymity if it is known to your reader. But you can go into blogger and remove your email address from your blog completely so that link to you will not be there.
Thank you, I'll go try that.
Please, where's the remove email command? I see where I can choose my readers, under "view," but doing so would be a tedious chore and is probably contrary to the spirit of the 162 class?
go to edit my profile and make sure 'show my email address' is not checked. If you're really paranoid, and why not, change the email address to something fictitious, but be aware you'll still have to use your real email addie for sign in on new blogger.

If you're the anon I think you are, your email is already locked up, but go in and check.
now what is wrong with the military having pink hummers any ways? Plus if it had flowers all over it it would hide most of the pink wouldnt you think? lol
Well, some things just ought to have a certain look so they look like what they are. Hummers carry military personnel, period. Maybe I'm a fuddy duddy....
Interesting claim on your front page, Mr. John A. (Don't even dream of asking) Goldfine...
Hey Jimbo, I know where you are so don't even try climbing out of that grave til Halloween, dude.
I have been trying to get the assignments all weekend but I keep getting this error:
"Error 504 'yosemite.emcc...' Gateway Timeout."
Just wondering if the problem is on your end or mine.
The damned school website has been down most of the weekend. I've been in touch with IT; it was fixed for a while, then down again. Should be up tomorrow.
What is the friggin "A" stand for i am bound and determinded to find out and i think that i will acheive it. lets put it to the test.
If you do find out, that will mean you have nailed one 'A' for sure!
I dont see info about the effect essay in the link its supposed to be in...I know it told me to tscroll down, but I did not ifnd it.
yeah, that whole "dont even dream of asking bout the A." thing is pissin me off, too. i will make it my mission to find out, Goldfine. lol. fortunately, my job with EMCC enables me to have access to school records...
Bu teardrop, you mustn't abuse your position. I know you know what it's like to have people in positions doing stuff to you, like outing your middle name. I know I have nothing to worry about.

john a. goldfine
yeah, youre right. that and i couldn't find anything. i give up. i know you would have told us if u wanted to ,anyways. u win. :(

p.s.-no, i actually don't know what its like to have people dig up shit on me. honestly. guess im lucky. :)
Teardrop, you wrote me about being trapped in a place where what you wanted was ignored and you hadn't much control over what they did.

That's all I meant.

I'm sorry you even looked, but I'm glad my privacy is maintained.
these comments are very interesting!!!
We aim to please
Ok, I'll give this a whirl. You say your name is John A. Goldfine with a don't ever, ever, EVER ask next to the A. Of course it gets me curious, very, very, VERY curious. But like a any good student who doesn't want to p!$$ the teacher off, I won't ask. But why do you put the A. on your blog if not to peak our curiosity?
I didn't want you to think my parents neglected to give me a middle name, but, sadly, they gave me one far too embarrassing to ever use. So I have to both mention its existence and suppress its actuality....

This is all very interesting, almost as good as the morning comics. While the mystery of the middle name is interesting. The story behind the how or why your parents choose that name, is more interesting still.
Allawisous (Al-a-wish-ous)
Great guess! (But a million miles wrong....)
Not a bad guess because Adolf was on everyone's mind in the spring of 1945 when my parents began wondering if the world could use another English teacher. My calculations are that Adolf was 6 or 8 weeks away from his suicide in the Berlin bunker when my dad winked at mom one night and said.... Well, whatever. I was born 9 months later!

But, no, it isn't Adolf and you know this website doesn't just have to be about my middle name, whatever it might be.
Thank you John for helping me to organize my thoughts into a readable structure. It would be nice to see some of these pieces in print, I just don't know how to make that happen. What steps should I take? Where would I start? Your suggestions and recommendations would be very helpful.
Let me think about it a little--I may have some ideas.
uuuugggghhhhh I shouldn't have picked my topic. I liked it at the time but now I don't and I suck at writing things I don't like. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr thank you needed this place to bee-yatch now back to my terrible isearch
hey anonymous, I may be able to help make life easier. Email me if you want.
always a most enjoyable read.
we aim to please.
A 162 question: Should I wait for you to start discussing weakness' or should I start asking for you to tell me what, if any, the weakness' are?

I am not sure if you are trying to get a feel for what type of writer I am and are waiting to guide me on the path you see me on. Or if you are just holding back the gloves until you see a confidence in your opinion.
GM! Gloves! Like boxing gloves so I don't hurt my knuckles when I start whalin' away at you?

Generally I think you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar--that is, you can learn from your strengths to do the same sort of good thing again, maybe better than from getting slapped around for mistakes and told not to screw up again...or else!

I can't help it that education is usually deemed a form of punishment and teachers are seen as the guards, torturers, executioners, etc. That's not my view of it.

If you give me work where I see something that doesn't work within the terms of what you're trying to do, I'll let you know. If you give me work that seems incomplete, rushed, thin, shabby, I'll let you know. I'll always try to give suggestions that might help.

I'll continue to tell you what I like--and you can learn from that!

But if you need a big dose of MeanTeacher, ok, here goes: That sucks, that's a terrible essay, you're not going anywhere in this class, bad bad bad, where's my red pen, didn't anyone ever teach you to spell, how ignorant, I hate this, is that really your work?

There! Feel better now? Anytime you feel the need for mean, just come back and read the post.
Hey GM--anytime you want to ask me about an essay beyond my commments, feel free. But don't ask, 'What's wrong with it?' Gotta focus a little more than that, ok?
Wow, Jason Kotara really disliked your 2006 class. I did not read too much, but he was rather negative. Poorly constructed negativity at that, if he had asked questions instead of making blind accusations he may have been fine.
I forget. Where did Jason beat up on me?
I can not find the url anymore, but it was in 2006 for your 162 class.
I'll check it out and see if it can re-humble me a little.
you are a wicked awesome teacher. I really look forward to coming to your class.
thx, anonymous--i look forward to seeing your bright and cheery face....
I want to write a novel, many in fact. I seem to struggle with writing a piece, something seems wrong with all the lines that I come up with to start it off, and to write free without a goal in mind makes the work seem fruitless and I walk away too easily.

I think some of it may be anxiety of actually making something. Not to say I will make a book that sells as well, but the Bible itself has caused more death and destruction then peace as was its intent.

Any way I cut the words, people that lived different lives will pick it up and read in their own meanings into the words.

If I publish something or many things I will either become a failure, famous, or infamous. If I can not finish the work, or publish the work, or I can but the creation of it destroys my love for the art.

None of those options weigh well with me, so when I sit down to just start writing I fear what will happen when I finish writing.
Hey FOP--join the club. Writing is an act of love and finishing the writing is like losing a troublesome lover--there's a certain sadness (Despite all the troubles, I loved, I did!) mixed with the triumph of being free, and there is anxiety too (What if I never write as well or at all again???)

Here's what a writer, not a student sent me last night: "I can structure and restucture sentences till they feel right to me, but is the story delivered OK? Is it too maudlin, too self conscious, too discursive, not discursive enough? Give me a clue for crying out loud..."
After I wrote the last response I spent some time on a piece, I think just stating what I was afraid of allowed me to fight against it.
Wow John, seem like you have no love this semester, love in the beeyatchy sense!
NOt sure what you mean, anonymous. Like I'm not getting enough?
Hey Mr.Goldfine,
Thanks for a great semester. I had a great time having you as my teacher. Thanks!
Hey Mr.Goldfine,
Thanks for a great semester. I had a great time having you as my teacher. Thanks!
Though, through the course, I have gained more confidence in my writing I find that I still fear the finite version of writing.
I can write a story in many ways and styles having it say the same things. But, I cannot see a publisher or a reader taking on the same book in a different form. Should I write the other versions of the book for my own gratification? To me I find that the material can be handled in too many ways to choose just one.
Hey penfear--I'm no fan of writing in a closet for your own amusement. Anything worth your time is worth an audience, but it takes a lot of nerve and patience to find one.
I didnt know where else to vent, so im glad i have this page. As my manager continues to holler at me all day, becuase every hour that i put in today is overtime. which is approx. 12 hours. I work fulltime and yet. I have to work Overtime. I love how my manager want and want. and still ppl dont get shit for thanx here. i really need to find another job. one where i can fullfill myself and reach full potential. I AM SO FUCKING PISSED THAT I WORK 40+ HOURS A WEEK. GO TO SCHOOL FULL TIME AND THEN BALANCE A SECOND JOB AND WORK OVERTIME.AND I PRETTY MUCH DONT EVEN HAVE A SOCIAL LIFE ANYMORE. WTF.
Hey anonymous, you're certainly describing a hard and unpleasant stretch. Nothing, no matter how awful, lasts forever though. The sun will shine again some day. Even if it pisses you off to hear me say it, it's still true.
so i just dont get why the fu** sociology is studied. im taking sociology with the most fu**ed up professor ever. last class he told a female student she was wrong and insulted her. then made her cry. that same class. I slammed my hands on the desk and told him to his face: "i have never had a teacher that has ever so fucking open minded and liberal as you are , and quite seriously sometimes it pisses me off!!" he outrages me and makes me want to either go to the gym and work out*to burn off frustration) or choke his ass!! not sure if thats his job, to spark feeling in sociology or what. The first day of class, i told him im conservative and this class was going to get heated real quick. when he tells me that im wrong because what i beleive, shit gets a lil crazy.
and go figure i have this stupid class right before my relaxing class. mr. goldfine. lol
this class is pretty awesome. why cant professors be like mr. goldfine.
I don't want you to be too darned relaxed, anonymous!

One thing college is definitely about is having your ideas challenged--nothing wrong with that as long as it's done respectfully.
ok. so no offense to you as a teacher. you are a good teacher im sure in the right setting. but i have you for english and i feel that i get just as much out of our online course assignments as I do in class, probably the same amount or more. i mean, why isnt this class considered an oline course, i have to haul ass from my house before your class. because my first class is out at 930. its a nice break between but it seems this class is a waste of time if i only go to show face. and your online outline is cool because if i miss a class i dont have to worry about missing things in class cause its all right there. but am i going to get penalized for missing your classes......?
im actually really busy and why go to a class i just show face in if i can learn the same from the online site.
but you are a good guy and im not trying to put you down. cause your funny in class and supportive. but it frustrates me.
bye for now
As the semester goes on, I do less and less lecturing and more and more of my teaching face-to-face, one-to-one. You write something, and I will sit down with you and talk about it--very much the way I'm talking to people right now about isearch topics.

That's how I do most of my teaching. I want you in class so I can talk to you about writing, not so that I can check your name off a list.

I think that what I've described above is a good way of teaching and learning, but it is not, perhaps, what you are used to in other classes or schools, and my approach may definitely not be right for you and maybe you'd be happier in a class with more lecturing and traditional structure or, alternatively, in my online class.
you have an oline class?
You betcha--ENG 101-95.
My online course with you ended, and I am without a regular audience. Not an end of the world scenario, but it was nice to have a push to get the work done. A pitfall to life in a small town.
Hey fear of the pen--you write it, I'll read it.
I am so fucking Irrate!!! I just purchased my sony vaio computer in mississippi last June. And recently my spyware and antivirus expired. Apparently, I have waited too long to reinstall the newer versions because when I scanned for viruses I had over 700!!! I tried to wipe them clear of my computer with my new software but they had already been too inbedded. Now I am out of $1500 which i still owe $800 on and I have a single piece of shit full of viruses. For the time being, it worked up until today until it fried from overheating, and I imagine the viruses didnt help. I had MY ENTIRE I SEARCH AND ESSAY THAT HAVE BEEN DUE FOR THE LONGEST TIME ON THEM. Now I have to spend my weekend trying to retype all 3 papers and still do my entire I search. This sucks.
Prioritize, anonymous--get the isearch done first. Even a quick job will keep you from losing points with a late one. Ten work on the other stuff.
Shhh! It's Athol, which is a Scottish name.
John The Big Athol Goldfine, eh?
Alright, [not Professor] Goldfine, I have to say that this class has been rather interesting.  There were styles of writing that I had not heard of, and proceeded to struggled with, but having a patient teacher made it all good.  Examples from previous students were great guidance, Josie’s especially.  Topics were sometimes hard to conjure up, which was what delayed me from posting.  My co-workers started looking forward to my assignments because they would conjure the topics, I would run with it, and then let them know about the teacher feedback.  I think that they’re going to miss this class, as I will miss the off-the-wall comments from the teacher.  Thank you for being so laid back.
Hey John, Just wanted to leave this message. I wanted to let you know I enjoyed your class this semester. At first I was a little rocky, but I was able to get a hand on things. And I do enjoy the way you teach. YOur not one of those straight forward, black or white teachers we usual fall into. It certainly was fun, funny and educational all at the same time. I hope that in the future I can take a physical class with you, and speak to you eye to eye....again I enjoyed this semester very well.
this isn't a question! the A stands for Alfred
Alfred wouldn't be so bad, but it's much much worse than that, I'm afraid.
well...I've been checking out your site and I have to leave comment, don't know why, but I thought I would. I don't think you're mean and I've had some pretty mean teachers. lol
But, yeah, I LOVE English!
Umm, One more thing...are you sure we didn't have to get a book for your class? I looked on the EMCC booklist and it said I did need a book for your class, so I got one and now...well, I have it just in case we use it?
Am I sure??? Who the heck do you want to trust--the bookstore who deal with hundreds of teachers and book orders or Mr. Goldfine who teaches the darned course?

A book won't hurt you unless it's one of those big ones and you drop it on your toe but don't be saying when you do teacher evaluations that mean Mr Me made you buy a textbook and then never assigned anything in it!
so we dont need a book at all for this class? YOU are going to allow me to keep 150$? i like you.
I'm pretty likable...for an English teacher. I guess that isn't really saying much.
Okay, so I have tried listing things so I could write the graph, but I think my place is too clean. I have listed about 12 things and I'm wondering:
1) is that enough?
2) Do we have to mention all things in the graph or can we just pick some out?
1. Hard to say in advance, but give it a whirl.

2. Pick.
Thank You!
I will see what I can come up with then. =D
*Things graf Graf#5
*Reaction to Sample isearches here or (more up to date) Some good recent isearches here Graf#6

Okay, here's a question: I did the "Things" graf, but what is the other thing??? What do I have to do for that one? was i zoneing out again in class and just missed it completely? I guess...
Read some sample isearches and do a reaction graf.
Why did God create wicked dumb and obnoxious blondes? And why do they always end up in my classes!?!
Gee how cool that a instructor has a area for comments complaints etc. Alot of instructors would be outraged if students sounded off.
Oh I am outraged! Totally! The nerve of you little ^%F@#6$%'s! Wait til I track you down--you'll be sorry!
John, you have one of the best approaches at getting us motivated to write. You have the streets sense of knowing that someone is bullshitting you. You do a good job of not showing your disgust for their whiny behavior. You give us The push we all need to become more pronounced writers and get the job done!!!If anyone has the right to bitch, it is you . Your the one who puts up with the " I don't know what to write about" bullshit from those who don't really want to be here anyway. Why don't they just drop out and suck off of their mommy & daddy till they can't do it any more. Please!!!!! GROW UP KIDDIES!!!! IT is real life now your not in grade school anymore. Thanks John for a job well done!!!!!!
I appreciate the kind words but not the harsh ones directed at my other students.

I get aggravated some times--who doesn't--but I do not get disgusted by anything except cruelty. I don't worry about it when a student has no idea what to write about--you're paying me to help with that problem and I'm glad to do that job.

I think most of my students work hard at school and at a job and carry a lot of weight so I have to disagree with all those exclamation points, anonymous.
I am one who has a hard time figuring out what to write. but once i get going i can go forever. and john i want to thank you because when i am in those states you ALWAYS help me think of something, like you said. I think you are very good at that and i'm very thankful for that!!
Bless your heart, anonymous. I have strengths and, god knows, weaknesses as an instructor. I know that one of my strengths is helping students find something good to write about and I enjoy doing it immensely.
what pisses me off is some of the people i've met so far in some of my classes. Mind you it isn't everyone its the people who talk, and the only thing they talk about is themselves and then they go on to say shit that makes them sound like a damn slut. I mean yes you could try ignoring them but after a while of hearing it for so long it makes me want to beat their heads in! I mean come on I don't need to hear about how many guys you've slept with or how many times you need to ask the obvious of question of "Does this make me look fat?" You know what I say, you look at 'em and say "Yes it does why don't you go to the nearest bathroom and go puke your brains ou!" sorry I just had to rant.
aw, joker, you have to consider the alternatives and all the much worse places you've been and how relaxing and easy this is in comparison.
I just find I just don't express my emotions as much as I should and it builds up so when I have the chance I rant :D
Not a great sin as sins go.
I totally know your middle name. For real. Without a doubt. What's it worth to you to keep it from being revealed?
Danny danny danny! What happens in Swanville stays in Swanville!!!
Your secret is out Goldfine!!!
Merry Christmas to all
...please where can I buy a unicorn?
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Ok i am really stressed over isearch! Graf six is just supposed to be comments on isearchs we looked at, right?
Yep, that's right.
I'm in your creative non-fiction writing class this semester and am wondering if we have to do anything else besides prompts and weekly themes (like: isearches, tests, quizzes, ect.)
Where can I contact you to see what my grade looks like at this point in the semester?
You can contact me at

Are you in 101 or 162--there are different answers depending, but you might want to check what it says about grades in the syllabus. If you are in 162, I figure the grade at the end of the semester by seeing if you've missed any assignments. If you've missed 0-3, you get an A. 4-6 a B. More than 6 an F.
162: prompts, weekly themes, and comments on the lecture material are the counted assignments. There are no quizes, research papers, tests, or anything beyond the sort of thing you already are familiar with.
hey mr g its kasey and josh!!! just wanted to ask if it would be ok to follow your writing prompts and stuff even though we arent at emcc anymore... and it would be nice to have a chat or two, you were always one of our favourite teachers ;)
Hi Kasey--good to hear from you and glad to hear that you and Josh are still an item 'cause I'm always a fan of young love. And I worried about Josh after writing him that little testimonial and then never hearing how all that stuff turned out. Sure, if you want to follow the prompts for the next few weeks on either the 101 blog or 162, knock yourselves out.
everything turned out good and the case was dropped. you know you were the only person to help him out beside a family friend? no one else made an effort and it really meant a lot to him. We're still hangin' in there! might be going cross the country next year, just backpacking it. its gonna be an adventure.
Glad to hear it turned out ok.
I'm so incredibly stuck, Goldfine - and it feels like you're offering me no guidance or help whatsoever. There came a point at which I felt you gave up on me and since then we've been at a stoic sort of impasse, I'm just looking for some real feedback(You didn't seem so hesitant at the start of the semester to give it.) and I'm sorry if I offended you by being so headstrong.
Sorry you feel that way, anonymous. I hope I haven't given up on anyone, but it certainly is true that I'm extremely pressed for time with so many assignments pouring in.

Anyway, I can't help you much in this forum. You don't need to identify yourself as Anonymous, but if you are an online student, email me--I promise there are many others and you won't stick out. If you are a live student, talk to me Wednesday and I'll have extra time after class at noon.
I feel 'given up on' right now. I love this course, and I would probably give my right thumb to get back into it....I love this course enough for you to know (in case you didn't) that I caused a great uproar at Time Warner about how they're "Connection Service Men" were comparable to those giant slugs you see, very slowly dragging their snotty bodies across the grass in spring. That because of this, it was causing me to miss out on a class that I really enjoyed and loved. Very sad story, I guess I could just chalk it up with the rest right? It could have a happy ending with my Brilliant English teacher feeling pity for me and allowing me to be able to look at the Time Warner customer service representatives again without wanting to scream "I missed out on my favorite class because of you guys!"

Frustrated - yes.

Your fault? No.

Just saying - frustrated!

There is something screwed up with education. Education for kids and adults of all grade levels. K - college. It is freaking annoying!!!

Teachers know what they want from a student. Do they say it - sometimes, do they say it clearly - sometimes. But is it more often that they don't say it...I think so. Or maybe they are bored, annoyed frustrated too so they walk in with the "grade and move on" approach.

Students want to much of teachers. They want more then wall falls under the description of the teachers job.

Both want. Are either satisfied? No.

Instead, we bitch, complain, and don't learn a damn thing. Ok not true. We learn...but are we learning what we are set out to learn? No.

Math class: Is it about learning math or is it about being graded. The one I'm in... is about the grade only. If it was about learning I feel there would be more interaction and actual teaching.

Teacher: "Here is the assignment: ___________"

Student: "Here is the assignment done."

Teacher: "Here is your check mark and or grade."

Wow, I learned a lot. I showed what I already knew and did what I knew how to do..nothing new there. Congrats - pat on the back - you had something in you all along. Hip Hip Hor-yaaaaaaa.........

This did say we could bitch about anything - right? Loss of education. Sounds like a title for a paper.

One of my old jobs - I trained new people. That was my job. Other trainers would say, "here is how to do it" or "read this, see this, look here - now go" If the person learned their job - great, if they didn't they were fired.

How many do you think walked away feeling like they failed.

When I trained them, I made sure I knew what was expected of their job description and then I went the extra step to teach them a bit more. If they didn't learn the first way, I tried another and another and another until I saw they really got it. I was so burned out by the end of the day. I did my job and then some. Let's just say, Magic Marker on Buns does teach! (I'm aware this makes no sense to whoever is reading this.) I can say proudly, yes - oh my god shoot me I'm proud - that out of all the people I trained (a lot) no one was ever fired for not knowing their job. Several of them became managers, trainers and moved up and on. Not all did, some didn't care to but they knew if they had wanted to that they did know how. How did I know this...I paid attention, I followed through, I worked hard, I did more then required. I went above my job and was just a good person and a good friend too. WOW - that's a statement. "I went above my job and was just a good person and a good friend too." WOW. Laughing right? I would be laughing. Because WHO on this Earth has time for anything like that. Move them in and move them out! Busy. Busy. Busy. No time. All in a rush. No time. No time. No time. Wait - live and die. That's it really...Who even made time? Oh that's right - we did. Who fills it? Yep, that would be us again. WOW. Talk about taking responsibility.... Who dares? Not I. Wait say that with me. "NOT I"

No need to comment. I'm just complaining.

Frustrated - yes.

Your fault? No.

Just saying - frustrated!

There is something screwed up with education. Education for kids and adults of all grade levels. K - college. It is freaking annoying!!!

Teachers know what they want from a student. Do they say it - sometimes, do they say it clearly - sometimes. But is it more often that they don't say it...I think so. Or maybe they are bored, annoyed frustrated too so they walk in with the "grade and move on" approach.

Students want to much of teachers. They want more then wall falls under the description of the teachers job.

Both want. Are either satisfied? No.

Instead, we bitch, complain, and don't learn a damn thing. Ok not true. We learn...but are we learning what we are set out to learn? No.

Math class: Is it about learning math or is it about being graded. The one I'm in... is about the grade only. If it was about learning I feel there would be more interaction and actual teaching.

Teacher: "Here is the assignment: ___________"

Student: "Here is the assignment done."

Teacher: "Here is your check mark and or grade."

Wow, I learned a lot. I showed what I already knew and did what I knew how to do..nothing new there. Congrats - pat on the back - you had something in you all along. Hip Hip Hor-yaaaaaaa.........

This did say we could bitch about anything - right? Loss of education. Sounds like a title for a paper.

One of my old jobs - I trained new people. That was my job. Other trainers would say, "here is how to do it" or "read this, see this, look here - now go" If the person learned their job - great, if they didn't they were fired.

How many do you think walked away feeling like they failed.

When I trained them, I made sure I knew what was expected of their job description and then I went the extra step to teach them a bit more. If they didn't learn the first way, I tried another and another and another until I saw they really got it. I was so burned out by the end of the day. I did my job and then some. Let's just say, Magic Marker on Buns does teach! (I'm aware this makes no sense to whoever is reading this.) I can say proudly, yes - oh my god shoot me I'm proud - that out of all the people I trained (a lot) no one was ever fired for not knowing their job. Several of them became managers, trainers and moved up and on. Not all did, some didn't care to but they knew if they had wanted to that they did know how. How did I know this...I paid attention, I followed through, I worked hard, I did more then required. I went above my job and was just a good person and a good friend too. WOW - that's a statement. "I went above my job and was just a good person and a good friend too." WOW. Laughing right? I would be laughing. Because WHO on this Earth has time for anything like that. Move them in and move them out! Busy. Busy. Busy. No time. All in a rush. No time. No time. No time. Wait - live and die. That's it really...Who even made time? Oh that's right - we did. Who fills it? Yep, that would be us again. WOW. Talk about taking responsibility.... Who dares? Not I. Wait say that with me. "NOT I"

No need to comment. I'm just complaining.
Don't know why that posted twice.
Oh and should say, I am ticked about Math class but this post isn't about Math class.

Did you mention we can complain about ANYTHING. While I'm in the bitching mood - I want to complain about this too: Let the freaking trick or treaters collect their candy or toss their eggs on Halloween! It falls on Sunday this year. Get over it!!! If God did not want kids to have rotten teeth he would have made them unrottable. (HAHAHA Unrottable)

And the original post or it's double is not about Halloween either.
In hindsight, if you are who you think you are, I should have spoken more carefully before I said, "You're the author." That must have sounded like I was on autopilot, just eager to record a grade and move on (not that I have any grades to record.)

That's not the case. I thought I had squeezed about all the teaching and learning out of that assignment that I could. From my POV you had done a fine job of rewriting, but I suspected, correctly, that you probably preferred the original.

Well, that's what makes horseraces: you bet your horse, I'll bet mine, and we see who crosses the finish line first.

Education is not the same as training. I'm not training you for a job; together we wrestle over a piece of writing, we discuss it, we agree at a certain point to agree to disagree. End of discussion. My job is not to convince you that you are wrong or to argue until you convince me that you are right--that way madness lies!

So, there's no further educational purpose in beating a dead horse, and that's where I thought we were.

As I say, from my POV, you had done a fine rewrite. You disagreed. What else is there to be said?
Really just noticed this blog by accident, but realized there's no posting for our class (Fall 2010). I do like the anonymity, but fear as I have no complaints or whines, nor am I humorous, so I guess I'll look around and get back
Got one to bitch about! The Red Sox just turned into the Evil Empire! Ol' Ted used to spit on the fans, now Lil' Theo is doing it, too. They just stole a hometown player from the Left Coast and gave him more money than it takes to feed Ethiopia for a year. If that's the Red Sox now, I'm a Padres fan. Whew! glad I found something to get off my chest.
The Red Sox got into lala land when they paid 50 million just for the chance to talk to Dice-K, and we all know how well that's working out. Then they paid big bucks for John Lackey--and we all know how well that's working out.

I think A-Go will actually help things, always assuming he can actually ever swing a bat again. Ago-Dusty-Scoots-Yook might not be a bad infield!
I have been in your class this fine fall semester of 2010. I have to say you were my favorite class and teacher. The assignments were never too hard or too easy. Thank you for that much. Your strange but normal antics in class really made it all just a great few months between August and December.
Yeah, thanks, but wasn't I your only class this semester, anonymous 12:14?

1:34 in the morning all i can think about is running a backround search on u and finding ur middle name and posting it here :P i question my motives and find is 5 dollars really worth your middle name then i remembered the quote what is in a name? a rose would still be a rose if called by any other name. So i figured even if i knew you are sitll you unfortunatly it still beggs the question why do u hide ur middle name?
Theres so much crap posted everywhere. Cant there just be a clear post of what is due, when and where instead of multiple links to multiple pages with no clear statement of "you need to do this and put it here"?
The assignment matrix has all assignments and due dates. Links either explain assignments or lead you to detail on how to do them. If you are in 101-95, everything you write goes on your own blog, except freestyles and prompts.

I'm not saying it isn't tricky. I am saying that it is not beyond anyone's abilities to navigateit successfully.
but but but i thought u were squishy and lovable :P
Actually? Not so much....
until you state otherwise, I will assume the A. is for Ann.
Allow me then to please state otherwise. Great guess and how embarrassing would that be! But still 'Ann' is better than the actual name I am saddled with for all eternity.

Does anyone else see your blogs? How do i see other peoples stuff?
Jayme--everyone's blog is listed on the upper left of the course website, under 'current 101 writers'--including you.
I have been reading over this site and have enjoyed everyone's obsession with trying to figure out your middle name. Here is a possibility I bet no one has ever thought of. I suspect the "A" in John A Goldfine stands for the same thing as the "S" in Harry S Truman: nothing. Truman's middle name really is "S" and having one's middle name be just one letter is a believable reason to keep one's "full" middle name a secret.
Clever, anonymous, and you are on-target...with Harry S Truman, but, alas, my parents were far more conventional than the Truman parents and saddled me with a doozie of a middle-monicker. Don't ask!
This site is hilarious, it seems that fewer people feel like "Bee-yatching" as opposed to guessing at your middle name. Since you ask so politely, I won't ask, but please allow me to conjecture as to your middle name. My bet is that your full name is (drumroll please):

John AmericanIdiot Goldfine.

Now that really WOULD be embarrassing. Your parents were huge Green Day fans when they were growing up, right? Am I right?
Keep in mind that I was named, middle name and all, late in 1945--and if I have to google Green Day now to have a clue what you're talking about, imagine how much harder it would have been for the 'rents to see into the misty reaches of the future.
You is funny, anonymous 11/03--much appreciated. My son just changed his name, dropping the '-fine'!
Whoa. Cool, I'm comment 200!!!!!!!!!!
Say, if you were born just to early to be a baby boomer, what category do you fall in? Post-war-Pre-baby boomer?
I'm afraid your overuse of exclamation points is going to force me to trash your post, anon 11/5, so you won't have that coveted #200 for long.
Pre-boomers loved Patti Page, saddle shoes, sweater sets, Doris Day, martinis. Boomers loved Elvis, Beatles, Bob Dylan, Stones, grass.

I'll have an olive in mine, thanks.

Yes, 'postwar preboomer' is perfect. There were only 4.5 months worth of us and we are a special breed, indeed.
haha, now we do know your middle name, john aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa goldfine. The mystery is over.
Y' got me!
"Composed in Five Minutes"

Do not remember

The fifth of November

The day I nearly dismembered myself

At least don't remember

Until December

When maybe I reckon I can sever my past

Forget the day I resembled

A newly disassembled

Poem with the timbre rendered aside

Or a clock with a member

Buried and remembered

In the cinders and embers of the hearth in the fire

Do not remember

The fifth of November

The day I nearly dismembered myself

No matter what I resembled

Please don't remember

As I certainly won't be a repeat offender
Hey anonymous--despite my not doing poetry, anyone who can send me off googling their lines, reminding me of Guy Fawkes day, the OWS, John Lennon, and mayhem generally gets a tip of the John A Goldfine chapeau.

I've read worse verse.
Please, pretty please with sugar maple frosting and sprinkles on top, where is Jimmy Hoffa?
I think that your middle name is the dame as my present nome-de-plume: Anonymous
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The blog for students of John A. (Don't even dream of asking) Goldfine at EMCC who want to comment, complain, question, suggest, advise, sound off, argue, or even...beeyatch. Did I mention 'anonymous'? And I'll try to reply.

September 2005 /

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